Saturday, August 28, 2010

Puffs + Pan + Eggs + Herbs + Cheese... = Brunch

The past few days' rain brought out some nice puffballs in the yard and nearby woods. Harvested yesterday afternoon. After culling the only one that was too old (yellowing inside) the rest were rinsed of sand and sliced for the pan. But first the pan was prepared with a special "reduction du porc."Step one: create the puffball chips through a light application of heat
and gentle immersion the special "reduction"...

While the puffball chips are set aside to drain, the same pan is repurposed for the gentle cooking of the remaining ingredients: eggs, milk, herbs and a fine cheese.

Stirred gently until done but not dry. All ingredients then assembled for serving (English muffins, not shown, are optional).Brunch is Served!